Coast Guard Marine Safety Center visits The Shearer Group

March 7, 2014- Seabrook, Texas-CAPT. John Nadeau, Commanding Officer, and CDR Peter Gooding, Chief, Engineering Division, with the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center visited The Shearer Group, Inc. (TSGI) at their offices in Seabrook, TX. It was a cordial visit to discuss new options to improve, review and approve submittals. CAPT. Nadeau said; “The Shearer Group is one of only a very few firms submitting the largest amount of information to their Tank Vessel and Offshore Division.”

Pictured above are, from left to right, Mike Capitain, Naval Architect, CDR Gooding, Jackie Ellis, Designer, CAPT. Nadeau, Ed Shearer, Principal Naval Architect, Christian Olavesen, Naval Architect and Ron Sikora, Senior Designer. Not pictured was Joshua Sebastian, Engineering Manager and Jo Ann Pitzer, Office manager.

The Shearer Group, Inc., provides naval architecture, marine engineering, marine surveying and professional engineering services to the inland service marine industry. Their designs have been used to produce over 3000 dry and liquid cargo barges, towboats, dry docks, crane barges and floating facilities.



The Shearer Group, Inc. is a full-service naval architecture, marine engineering and marine surveying firm specializing in commercial vessel design and consulting.

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  • Technical Excellence
  • Attention to Detail
  • Customer Centric
  • Engineering Ethics
  • Professionalism
  • Responsibility


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The Shearer Group, Inc.
2301 Commerce Street, Suite #160
Houston, TX 77002

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